Locating the Best Possible Job
Earning money is a requirement for people to pay their bills. How can you cope if you are unemployed or simply do not make enough money? If you need to make more money, or just get a job the advice that follows can be of assistance.
Ensure that all of your initial points of contact with potential employers are appropriate. When prompted to leave a voice message, what do callers hear: your name and instructions, or a clip of your favorite pop song? As for your email, do you use a professional address? If not, it’s time to adopt a more grown-up moniker. Avoid usernames containing offensive words, misspellings and unflattering language.
When looking for a job try to find one that fits your personality type. For example, if you are shy and like working on projects alone, a job that requires you to be part of, and contribute to a larger team may be a bad choice. Carefully assess who you are, and find a job that fits that perfectly.
When negotiating salary, never sell yourself short. Prepare yourself for this step by conducting extensive research on the job title, regional salary and other details of benefits before you enter into negotiations. If you are unaware of your worth relative to other candidates and workers, your salary may not reflect your true worth — possible to the tune of thousands of dollars per year!
Offering great vacation benefits is a great way to recruit good employees. Most employers offer only one or two weeks of paid vacation. Perhaps increasing it to three weeks, or offering longer vacations for more time served will guarantee an upper hand in accessing better employees. The longer, the better.
Do not take care of your personal business when you are at work. Only use your break time unless it is an absolute necessity. Even if your boss is lax on this rule you should not use it. You will gain a great deal of respect by showing that you are able to manage your life appropriately.
Answer your personal phone line professionally. This will give all callers, including potential employers, a good impression of you.
If you want to move up in your company, network with employees outside of your immediate department. Volunteer to be on committees if the opportunity is available. This is good way get exposure to other departments. You never know if a position will open up in another department. If that hiring manager knows you, you have an advantage.
You should keep your resume updated every single month. This ensures that you can apply for a job at any time, even if you already have a job. Sometimes an amazing opportunity can pop up, but you have to be prepared to be able to snag it for yourself.
Call your city hall to find out what sort of free services are provided by your local government as far as job searching goes. They may provide resume assistance, job boards, or even just a directory of resources. Whatever help they can give will be highly beneficial, so it is worth the effort.
As trivial as it may seem, be sure you are getting enough rest the night before an interview. Most people simply do not function properly when they have not slept enough. This could affect your ability to answer questions the interviewer may ask you at your interview. You also do not want to appear haggard.
If you are asked about your weaknesses during a job interview, try to be as positive as possible in your answer. For example, don’t say, “I’m very disorganized.” Say something about how you are more focused on being flexible than on organization but that you use tools to keep yourself organized anyway.
When all else fails, hire help to write your resume. A professional resume will not only look good and read right, but it will also be written in such a way that job boards like Monster.com will highlight you in the right searches. Professionals know which terms to use to get noticed.
Always bring a list of references with you to a job interview. Make sure the information is up to date and that your references are expecting to be called. You need three references typically, so don’t list more than that. Include people who have been your superior, co-workers or even co-volunteers, if you must.
Be proactive in your position. It may seem easy to simply sit back and let the job take you where it wants to go, but employers don’t really respond to that. You may find you’re the first to go if/when there needs to be layoffs. Instead, show that you’re essential by proactively looking to fill needs and solve problems related to your position. That will definitely impress those above you.
Everything online with your name on it talks to who you are. It is imperative that you search for your name online to see what comes up from time to time. It is important to give off a pristine image to your future employers.
On the day of your interview, listen to calming music on the drive to the location or while on the train. This will help to reduce the stress that you feel and can help with your comfort level. When stress is minimized, you can speak more clearly and give off a better vibe.
Learn about the company before you head into an interview. Look to their social media pages, their website or any other resources you can find online for helpful information. Learning this information can help you a lot on the interview. Learning more can make you stand out.
While Linkedin and Facebook are both social networking sites, you need to keep in mind that Linkedin is more of a professional site. This means that you should have a clear, polished picture that can be used for your profile. A picture of you making silly faces would definitely not be appropriate.
Searching for a job is an involved process, but it doesn’t have to be a headache. This advice is perfect for new job-seekers and experienced workers alike. Remember this during your next job search.